Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quick update


Hi everyone. I've been wanting to make a post about a few personal preferences when it comes to rigs, but I thought it might be easier to highlight points with an actual rig, instead of just notes. So inbetween work, the fam, and Street Fighter Remix, I think I've managed to (almost) complete a first pass at a new rig for y'all. I'll probably be able to share in a few weeks, in case anyone's interested.

Until then, I'll leave you with the following vids. A friend brought up 300 the other day and it reminded me of these:

WARNING: some mature content and possible spoilers


Carlos Fins said...

Hey TJ,
Looking forward to checking out that rig.. Have you other public rigs, out of curiosity?

TJ Phan said...

Cool. I don't have any rigs out there at the moment, tho. And just as a heads up, the first version of the new rig won't have any facial controls. That'll have to come a little later when I find more time to learn. Hopefully, it'll still be enough for practicing mechanics, action sequences, and pantomime performances.

Unknown said...

Talk about inspiring .. i always like working with rigs built by animators, they always know what is essential and what isn't! Keep up the great work TJ!

jeff said...

hook me up, rigmaster!

Michael Richard said...

Hey TJ, how's it going! That's awesome your making a rig, I will definitely want to check that out when you get it up and running. Keep us posted!

TJ Phan said...

Hopefully soon:) --keep on getting sidetracked with paying the bills...

jeff said...

where's that rig!

TJ Phan said...

Almost! Don't want to make any promises, but hopefully in a week or two. Keep on getting slammed at work:)

DL said...

Thats a really nice and simple to use rig! thanks a lot! can you recommend any books or dvds for rigging?