Saturday, November 29, 2008

Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix

Pure nostalgia! --sweet memories of Golfland arcades and local 7/11's. Classic gameplay at it's best, all with updated graphics.

If anyone's up for a few friendly rounds on XBox Live, let me know and I'll send you my tag. I just gotta get me one of these first!

And sorry if don't have time in the near future to post personal work. You know how it job = gotta work extra hard to get up to speed instead of bloggin'! :)


shane said...

That bad boy is $60!!! Get back to work!!!

TJ Phan said...

Too late, just got one! Ha-DOU-ken!!!

David Gardner said...

i get to play this at lunch today!

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom -

I'm so excited...

by the way, hey dude!

TJ Phan said...

Wha--?!?! How did you manage to get your hands on that? I thought it wasn't going to be released in the U.S.

Let me know if G-Force could stand up to sonic-booms and dragon punches!

David Gardner said...

the game is awesome! Someone here has an import wii and he brought it in to play during lunch, was super cooL!

I dont know why more games dont look and feel like these ones... its super clean

TJ Phan said...

Man, I'm super jealous!! Here's to hopin' it'll make it to the States eventually...

Bobby Pontillas said...

TJ! You must reeeaaally be getting hyped for SF4! I know I am! job?

TJ Phan said...

Oh yeah!! I'm just hoping they deliver. And as an update, I'm LOVING SF Remix! The Hori controller also feels great. I can here my coin drop in the slot everytime I press that start button.

New job is good btw. Busy--but good.